Selecting wood

Why hand selecting wood is important at Jones Basses.

Hand selecting wood for our basses significantly impacts the instrument’s quality, sound, and aesthetics.

In terms of sound different types of wood produce distinct tones. For example, mahogany often provides warmth and depth, while maple can add brightness and clarity. Hand selecting ensures the wood chosen aligns with the desired tonal characteristics of our customers.

Hand select our wood also allows us to control resonance too, the density and grain structure of our wood not only affects the tone but also its resonance and sustain. The selecting process helps us to choose pieces with optimal acoustic properties, enhancing sustain and overall sound quality.

We also hand selected our wood to insure maximum, consistency and stability and one of the main contributing factors we look for here is moisture content. The wood that goes into a Jones Bass must be properly seasoned with exactly the right moisture, this ensures the wood is less likely to warp or crack and this durability can contribute to the Jones Bass’s longevity

On a more aesthetic side, hand selection our wood allows us to control the grain orientation of our pieces. We find consistent and well-oriented grain can improve the structural integrity of the guitar and this reduces the risk of issues like twisting or splitting over time.

Visual characteristics of our wood is critical to the overall appeal of our basses, hand selecting allows us to choose wood with appealing grain patterns, colours, and figuring.  Selecting wood for aesthetic uniformity across the body and the neck can be stunning, giving the guitar a cohesive and attractive look.

We continue to commit to our dedication to quality. Inspecting each piece for defects or imperfections, ensuring only the best materials are use.